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Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 10(1): 7-17, mar. 2018. ilus, tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-171289


Introducción: La Sociedad Española de Farmacia Familiar y Comunitaria (SEFAC), en colaboración con el laboratorio farmacéutico Ratiopharm, ha llevado a cabo el proyecto de carpas de servicios profesionales farmacéuticos El farmacéutico que necesitas en 2015 y 2016. Objetivos: Dar a conocer a la sociedad y los pacientes las actividades del farmacéutico comunitario en la prestación de servicios profesionales farmacéuticos (SPF) y valorar su satisfacción con la actividad. Material y métodos: El proyecto se basa en el ofrecimiento a la población general de actuaciones de SPF adaptados al ámbito de una estructura itinerante, desmontable, tipo carpa. Los servicios ofrecidos fueron: uso adecuado del medicamento, cesación tabáquica, cribado de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, consejo nutricional general, cribado de malnutrición en mayores de 65 años, cribado de diabetes, medida de la presión arterial y cálculo del riesgo vascular. Los SPF fueron realizados por farmacéuticos comunitarios (FC) voluntarios locales, previamente formados con protocolos de trabajo diseñados por SEFAC para su actuación en este entorno. Resultados: El evento se realizó en 15 ciudades diferentes, participaron 655 FC voluntarios, atendiendo a un total de 2.531 usuarios a los que se realizaron 7.290 actuaciones profesionales, con una media de 3 por usuario. La mayoría de los usuarios, encuestados tras recibir los servicios, declararon haber mejorado el conocimiento sobre su estado de salud y lo que desde la farmacia comunitaria se les puede ofrecer. Conclusiones: Un elevado número de usuarios participantes manifestaron haber incrementado sus conocimientos sobre los SPF y su estado de salud y la práctica totalidad valoró de forma positiva las actividades realizadas (AU)

Introduction: The Spanish Society for Family and Community Pharmacy (SEFAC in Spanish), in collaboration with the Ratiopharm pharmaceutical laboratory, carried out the project of professional pharmaceutical service tents, The Pharmacist You Need, in 2015 and 2016. Objectives: Raise the awareness of society and patients of the activities of community pharmacists in the provision of professional pharmaceutical services (PPS) and evaluate their satisfaction with the activity. Materials and Methods: The project is based on offering to the general public PPS actions adapted to the format of a mobile, temporary, tent-type structure. The services offered were: proper use of medicines, smoking cessation, screening for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, general nutritional advice, screening for malnutrition in people over 65, screening for diabetes, blood pressure measurement and calculation of vascular risk. The PPS were delivered by volunteer local community pharmacists (CP) who had received prior training on work protocols designed by SEFAC for its action in this setting. Results: The event was held in 15 different cities, 655 volunteer CPs participated, attending to a total of 2,531 users who received 7,290 professional actions, an average of three per user. Most of the users surveyed after receiving the services said that their awareness of their health status and what a community pharmacy can offer them had improved. Conclusions: A high number of the users that participated stated that their awareness of PPS and their health status had improved, and practically all of them rated the actions performed positively (AU)

Humanos , Assistência Farmacêutica/organização & administração , Serviços Comunitários de Farmácia/organização & administração , Prevenção de Doenças , Estações Móveis , Uso de Medicamentos , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto/métodos , Avaliação de Eficácia-Efetividade de Intervenções , Programas de Rastreamento/métodos
Ontario; Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME); Mar. 1990. 73 p. tab.
Monografia em En | Desastres | ID: des-9897


This report presents the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) recommendations for the assessment, approval and operation of mobile system for the destruction of PCB wastes in Canada.This document is intented to assist in the development of a uniform system of federal and provincial regulatory programs. Although provinces and municipalities may wish to adopt additional or more stringent requirements, these recommendations provide an adequate level of regulatory control for the well-managed destruction of PCBs in mobile systems.(AU)

Bifenilos Policlorados , Eliminação de Resíduos Perigosos , Canadá , Estações Móveis , Saúde Ambiental , Saúde Ocupacional